“Rugby Rebel: Ex-Scottish International Athlete Speaks Out Against Men’s Infiltration of Women’s Sports in Canada”

Meet Jonathan Goldie. He’s an ex-Scottish international rugby player and international track athlete who emigrated to Canada in 2001. He’s been involved in Canadian rugby until very recently, both as a player and a coach at the club, provincial and national level.

Goldie is appalled by what is occurring in Ontario as it pertains to fake females who are worming their way into women’s rugby (yes, we’re looking at you, Tommy “Ash” Davis of the Fergus Highlanders).

For almost a year now, Rebel News has covered the sordid saga of Ash Davis — a man who used to play men’s rugby and was voted “hardest hitter” on his team in 2022. Now he plays on the female Fergus club, in contravention of World Rugby rules. And this self-entitled narcissist routinely injures real female players on opposing clubs. Amazingly, this gender-bending grifter now receives police protection in case he is asked impolite queries. Welcome to Justin Trudeau’s police state.

Yet, due to the unholy trinity of “diversity, equity and inclusion”, this transgender farce is being tolerated — and even encouraged by the woke weirdos. Make no mistake: allowing men to play against women in a contact sport is not an example of DEI, but rather, garden variety misogyny.

As for Goldie, he was the coach of the Burlington Centaurs women’s club for two seasons. Alas, he ended up resigning, partly due to ludicrous gender idiocy being embraced.

Says Goldie: “I foresaw myself getting into a situation where I would have to physically prevent a male from taking the field against my team in order to protect my female players from physical harm. I knew I wouldn’t be supported.”

As well, he notes that when it comes to the field of gender, power, sex, and sexuality, he was a student of political science in 1996.

“This was when universities weren’t woke political institutions trying to enforce their fictional gender dogma on unsuspecting students,” Goldie says. “I’m not sure what kind of ‘education’ they’re getting these days that makes them think it’s okay for men to play women’s sports.”

Check out the full interview with Jonathan Goldie below:

Permanent Pride infrastructure implemented at Vaughan City Hall


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