“The Coercive Lie: Why Gender Ideology Must Be Stopped”

The absolute fear that had been created by a tiny bunch of well-funded and aggressive activists. There are two sexes, after all – male and female – despite what some people might want you to believe. Have as many genders as you like; they’re not more important than sex. They don’t mean sex doesn’t exist.

It’s no surprise that this fear-driven mentality has led to a lot of confusion and misinformation out there. People are being told that gender is fluid, or whatever the latest buzzword might be, and it’s causing all sorts of problems. And at the heart of it all is a small group of activists who are determined to impose their will on society.

You need to take a long look at yourself if you vote for this clown. And Labour are no better – there are two genders, that’s it. It’s not complicated.

People seem to be getting more and more worked up over the whole thing, with some even suggesting that gender ideology is coercive. Well, I think they’re right on target. This nonsense has got to stop before things get out of hand.

A woman is an adult human female – no matter what anyone else might say or do. A man pretending to be a woman is still just a man, despite his best efforts otherwise. It’s not complicated at all.

It seems like the more people try to gaslight us into thinking that this isn’t a big problem, the scarier it gets for them. They’re scared because they know deep down that gender ideology is coercive and controlling – and they don’t want anyone else to figure out what’s going on either.

So let’s take a stand against all of this nonsense once and for all. Let’s tell people the truth: there are two sexes, male and female, no matter how hard some folks might try to make it seem otherwise.


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